Many people don’t know the difference between lay and lie. It’s important to know the difference because lay and lie have different meanings and they are used in different situations.
This is an exercise about the difference between lay and lie.
You can find the exercise below:
Lay or Lie Exercise 2
Complete the sentences below with the correct word: lay or lie.
Did you to your girlfriend?2.
You can it over there.3.
He needs to his cards on the table.4.
The police usually a sheet over a murder victim.5.
I usually on the couch to watch TV.6.
Our cat doesn't on the new pillow we bought.7.
I always on a bench at the gym to do core stability exercises.8.
I need to down because I'm feeling nauseous.9.
Our chickens are weird because they don't eggs.10.
Yesterday, she down at 8 o'clock and fell asleep because she was tired.