Something and anything are used in the same situations as some and any. Something is used in positive sentences, for offers, and for requests. Anything is mostly used in negative sentences and questions.
This is an exercise in which you need to fill in the correct word.

Something or anything exercise
You can find the exercise below:
Something or Anything Exercise 1
Complete the following sentences with something or anything.
Do you need from the store?2.
He can't remember since the accident.3.
I like to eat because I'm hungry.4.
My mother promised to my father but I don't know what.5.
Do you have to add to that statement?6.
Do you want to drink?7.
Can I have to eat?8.
My friend doesn't know about me.9.
I found on the floor.10.
My girlfriend wants to give me More exercises
- Some or Any Exercise 1
- Some or Any Exercise 2
- Some or Any Exercise 3
- Some or Any Exercise 4
- Some or Any Exercise 5
- Something or Anything Exercise 2
- Something or Anything Exercise 3
- Something or Anything Exercise 4
- Something or Anything Exercise 5