Present Continuous Mixed Exercise 4

The present continuous (or present progressive) is a tense in English to talk about things in the present when you want to stress the duration of an action. You can also use this tense to talk about long actions or when the action is going on.

On this page, you have an exercise about forming positive sentences, negative sentences, and questions in the present continuous.

You can find the exercise below:

Present Continuous Mixed Exercise 4

Complete these sentences by filling in the correct form of the verb in the present continuous.
(the phone, to ring) right now? I thought I heard something.
I guess you (to hear) things that aren't there.
He (always, to swear) and I absolutely hate it.
They (not, to teach) a course right now. They (to travel) through Australia at the moment.
What (you, to wear) today? You look ridiculous!
He (to hold) a grudge against us.
She (to grow) so fast. It's probably because she (to eat) like a horse.
My uncle (always, to fly) model airplanes in the park.
My little brother (to become) a real man. His beard (to grow) like crazy.
She (always, to sing) in the shower.

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