The present perfect continuous is a tense in English to talk about actions and events that started in the past and have continued up to the present moment. The difference between the present perfect continuous and the present perfect (simple) is that the former is used to talk about longer actions and events and when the focus is on the duration.
This is an exercise about forming the present perfect continuous.

You can find the exercise below:
Present Perfect Continuous Exercise 2
Complete these sentences by filling in the correct form of the verb in the present perfect continuous.
He (to watch) TV since this morning.2.
They (to fish) for over three hours.3.
My two best friends (to date) for a little over two months.4.
Since this morning, I (to listen) to music.5.
He (to walk) since this morning and he won't stop before he reaches the 24-hour mark.6.
I (to stare) at the same painting for over an hour.7.
You (to do) the same thing for over a week. Aren't you bored?8.
The teacher (to talk) for at least 30 minutes.9.
They (to argue) since this morning.10.
I (to work) on a secret project for over three months.More exercises
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