It’s not always clear whether to use some or any in a sentence. Some is mainly used in positive sentences and any is used in negative sentences and questions.
This is an exercise in which you need to fill in the correct word.

You can find the exercise below:
Some or Any Exercise 3
Complete the following sentences with some or any.
I have seen very beautiful jackets in the store.2.
guy blocked the exit with his car.3.
Is he closer to solving the mystery?4.
Could you lend me money?5.
I don't have money!6.
Did you get letter from your ex?7.
Have you got stamps I could use?8.
I only have very old stamps that are worth a lot.9.
Mom had left me money before she went out.10.
Would you like red wine?More exercises
- Something or Anything Exercise 1
- Something or Anything Exercise 2
- Something or Anything Exercise 3
- Something or Anything Exercise 4
- Something or Anything Exercise 5