The third conditional is an if-sentence in English that is used to talk about situations that did not happen in the past. You imagine how things would have been if something happened.
- The verb in the if-clause needs to be in the past perfect (simple).
- You use would + have + past participle of the verb in the main clause.
This is an exercise in which you must fill in the correct verb form.

You can find the exercise below:
Third Conditional Exercise 5
Complete the following sentences by filling in the correct form of the verb in the third conditional.
If John (to say) something, I (to help) him.2.
Paul (to call) the police if he (to find) an envelope full of cash.3.
They (to dig) a pool if they (to buy) some shovels.4.
Coach Carter (to blow) his whistle if he (to bring) it with him.5.
Our friends (to be) late if they (not, to take) a cab.6.
If she (not, to see) the ball, it (to hit) her on the head.7.
I (to be) hungry if I (not, to eat) a full English breakfast this morning.8.
If you (to tell) me to drink more water, I (to do) it.9.
Charles (to build) a shed in his garden if he (to buy) some wood.10.
I (to write) a novel if I (to come up) with a good story idea and believable characters.More exercises
- Third Conditional Exercise 1
- Third Conditional Exercise 2
- Third Conditional Exercise 3
- Third Conditional Exercise 4