Its or It’s

A common mistake in English is the use of its and it’s. These words are often used in the wrong context because they seem similar at first sight. They look similar and are pronounced in the same way, but there is a difference in meaning. You’ll read all about it in this article.

The difference between its and it’s can be explained by looking at the context. Its is a possessive determiner/pronoun and expresses possession. It’s is the short form of ‘it is’ or ‘it has’.

The difference between its and it’s

Its: a possessive determiner/pronoun that is used to express possession of things that have an unspecified sex (not specifically male or female). You use it to say that something belongs or refers to something else.

  • Having the right connections has its benefits.
  • Can you tell me its name?
  • Put it on its side!

It’s: the short form of ‘it is’ or ‘it has’.

  • It’s raining cats and dogs.
  • I don’t know what it’s doing.
  • It’s Tuesday today.

Its or it’s overview

Its and it’s are pronounced in the same way, but they have different meanings. You have an overview below about the meaning of both words and the difference between them:

itspossessive determiner
Having some connections has its benefits.
it’sShort form of ‘it is’ or ‘it has’It’s Monday today.


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