First Conditional Exercise 2

The first conditional is an if-sentence in English that is used to talk about realistic situations in the present and future. There is a condition and the result of that condition when it is fulfilled. The verb in the if-clause needs to be in the present simple and the verb in the main clause has to be in the will-future (will + infinitive).

This is an exercise in which you must fill in the correct verb form.

You can find the exercise below:

First Conditional Exercise 2

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in the first conditional.
They (to go) to Spain if they (to get) a week off work.
He (to need) glasses if he (to get) old.
If I (to try) hard enough, I (to succeed).
My friend (to pass) his exams if he (to study) hard enough.
You (to break) your personal best if you (to run) 100 miles a week.
I (to behave) if the guests (to be) on time.
I (to get) many presents if it (to be) my birthday.
He (to do) stupid things if he (to be) hungry.
If we (to study) now, we (to go) to the party tonight.
I (to tell) him if I (to see) him.

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