Purpose and reason clauses are subclauses that give more information about the main clause. Purpose clauses give more information about the purpose of the action in the main clause and reason clauses tell you more about the reason. These subclauses don’t have any meaning on their own so they require a main clause.
This is an exercise about choosing the correct conjunction.

You can find the exercise below:
Purpose and Reason Clauses Multiple Choice exercise 4
Read the sentences below and pick the correct conjunction.
He ordered sushi he absolutely loves it!2.
I went to bed early be well-rested for my race today.3.
Elon Musk has a lot of money good financial decisions.4.
The accused was allowed to leave prison lack of evidence.5.
I do not believe him anymore the many lies he has already told me.6.
She can do what she wants she is old enough.7.
Thousands were stuck at the airport cancelled flights.8.
I don't like him he's really childish.9.
They invited us they want to show us their new place.10.
I got new headphones focus more on the music.More exercises
- Purpose and Reason Clauses Multiple Choice Exercise 1
- Purpose and Reason Clauses Multiple Choice Exercise 2
- Purpose and Reason Clauses Multiple Choice Exercise 3
- Purpose and Reason Clauses Multiple Choice Exercise 5