Reported Speech Exercise 3

This is an exercise to see if you can transform direct speech into indirect speech. Pay attention to the tense of the reporting verb and if the subject changes.

If the reporting verb is in the present simple, there is no backshift. If the reporting verb is in the past simple, you usually need backshift so you need to change the verbs in the sentence. If the reporting verb is in the past simple but the information is still true, there is no backshift.

Below you have sentences in direct speech and you need to rewrite them in indirect speech.

  • Alice: “I have just eaten a whole cake.”
  • Tom: “I am drinking tea without sugar.”
  • Dan: “What have you done?”
  • Michael: “I released a new album.”
  • My friend: “Have you seen the new episode of Game of Thrones?”
  • Ellie: “I want to start a business.”
  • Mom: “I can go on a day trip alone.”
  • Bobby: “I have not slept that well since I was 20.”
  • Joey: “My friend really likes going to London.”
  • Alexander: “Will you help with my homework?”
You can find the exercise below:

Reported Speech Exercise 3

Complete the following sentences by rewriting them in reported speech. Pay attention to the tense of the reporting verb!
Alice said .
Tom told me .
Dan asked me .
Michael says .
My friend asked my other friend .
Ellie says .
Mom told me .
Bobby says .
Joey said .
Alexander asked me .

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