Mastering plurals is an essential part of improving your language skill and this post covers the basics of forming plurals in English. This article will teach you everything you need to know so you never make mistakes again when forming plurals.
Adverbs are different from adjectives and you usually need to change the adjective to get the adverb. This is an exercise in which you need to form adverbs.
The difference between adjectives and adverbs is not always clear. This is an exercise in which you need to fill in the correct form of the word.
Your and you’re sound similar but have completely different meanings. This article lists the differences and when to use them.
The difference between to, too, and two is not always easy. This is an exercise in which you need to fill in the correct form.
The difference between to, too, and two is not always clear. This article offers a full overview of the differences between to, too and two.
Its and it’s look very similar, but they are not the same. They have different meanings and this is an exercise in which you need to fill in the correct form.
The difference between lay and lie is not easy, but it’s important that you know when to use these words. This is an exercise about the difference between lay and lie.
Its and it’s are pronounced in the same way, but they have a different meaning. This article offers a full overview of the difference between these words.
Than and then are sometimes used in the wrong situation. This is an exercise in which you need to write the correct form.
Conditionals are frequently used if-sentences in English. This article offers a full overview of the different conditionals in English.
The degrees of comparison are used to compare objects and people. This is an exercise in which you need to fill in the correct form of the adjective.