The difference between past simple or past continuous is not always clear. This is an exercise in which you need to choose between these two tenses.
The future of can and must is not like the other future tenses. Can and must don’t have an infinitive form so
Past habits in English are repeated actions or a particular state in the past. You can express this in different ways and this is an exercise to practise this.
Past habits in English are repeated actions or a particular state in the past. There are multiple ways to express this in English.
The emphatic do is a way to stress or contrast the meaning of the main verb. This is an emphatic do exercise to see if you know how to use this structure.
You can use ‘to do’ in almost every English sentence to emphasize the main verb. The meaning of the main verb gets stronger or shows contrast by using ‘to do’. This grammatical structure is called the emphatic do. This is an exercise to see if you know how to form it. There is a video…
The Emphatic do in English is a way to stress or contrast the main verb in a sentence by using the verb to do as an auxiliary verb.
Reported speech in English can be difficult if you don’t know the difference between direct and indirect speech. This article has all the information you need.
The passive in English is used when you want to stress the fact that something or someone is experiencing something instead of actively doing it.
Each language has words and structures people get wrong all the time. In this article, you have a detailed overview of the 10 most common mistakes in English.
There is a difference between were, we’re, wear and where. Were and we’re are forms of the verb to be. Wear is having something on you and where is a location.
Some people don’t know the difference between life, live and lives. It goes from the noun life to the verb to live and to the third person singular of this verb.
Personal pronouns are important because it allows us to have more fluent conversations. Here you have a complete overview of what they are and when to use them.
The present continuous is a tense to talk about actions that are going on in the present. This exercise is about forming this tense.
The present continuous is tense to talk about things in the present that are going on. This is an exercise about forming questions in the present continuous.
The present continuous is tense to talk about things in the present that are going on. This is an exercise about the negative form of the present continuous.
The present continuous is tense to talk about things in the present that are going on. This is an exercise about forming the present continuous.
In English, you have indefinite and definite articles. Indefinite articles are used to talk about things in general and definite articles for specific things.
Adverbs in English are words you can use to give more information about verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.
When you have more than one adjective to describe the same noun, there is a certain word order you need to keep in mind. Here you have a complete overview.
Adjectives are really important in any language because they give more information about the noun in a sentence.
There are a lot of irregular verbs in English and on this page, you have a list of the most common ones. You need to study them because you will need them.
You can express the future in multiple ways. In this article, you have a clear overview of the different future tenses in English.
The future continuous is a tense you use to talk about future events that will be going on at the moment you are referring to in the future.
You can use the going to-future to talk about events in the future when you want to express your opinion or when you want to talk about your intentions.